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Trubicars partners with leading, top-rated, top-quality driving schools throughout Canada and passes down the best pricing and packages to you. This means that regardless of where you live or what type of license you are looking to get, you can rest-assured that when you choose a package from Trubicars that you will be properly prepared and confident to pass your test.

Preparing For Your Driving Test

Proper preparation is key when it comes to doing well on your driver’s test. There’s a lot to learn, and the more confident you are, the more practice you have, and the more prepared you feel the better you will likely do.

9 Tips for Preparing for Your Driving Test:

1. Learn The Rules

The more you know, the better driver you will be. While in-car instruction teaches you how to drive, in-class instruction ensures you know the rules of the road, along with why the laws are important and the theory behind how to drive defensively. Studying the laws, the street signs, and all the various rules such as right-of-ways and traffic circles will help ensure you have confidence in knowing how to drive before you get behind the rule.

Preparing for Your Driving Test
Tips for Preparing for Your Driving Test

2. Behind The Wheel

It’s important you practice driving as much as possible, as regularly as possible. But, be sure you are learning from a qualified driving instructor. Your parents, family, and friends might be good drivers, but they may have forgotten some of the nuances and sometimes overlooked rules of driving.

Behind The Wheel
Prepare Yourself & Your Vehicle

3. Prepare Yourself & Your Vehicle

Every time you get in a vehicle it is important to ensure all the various vehicle settings are right for you. Take a moment to adjust your seat, your wheel, and your mirrors. Ensure you are seated in a good, comfortable position, buckle up and place your hands properly on the wheel.

4. Practice in Speed-Change Zones

Practicing along roadways that change speed limits, such as a school zone, is a great way to ensure you know how to adjust your driving speed appropriately and can do so with confidence. You don’t want to slow down too soon, nor do you want to slow down too late.

Practice in Speed-Change Zones
Take Highway Trips

5. Take Highway Trips

It is crucial to have experience practicing on highways and expressways. In fact, as part of your licensing requirements, you have to show how much recent practice you have had on expressways.

6. Practice Merging

Merging is an important driving skill to master; and yet, it is also one that makes some drivers nervous. The more you practice merging the more comfortable and confident you will be.

Practice Merging
Practice Parallel Parking

7. Practice Parallel Parking

Parallel parking is another one of those driving skills that can make drivers nervous. The amount of space you have between cars can always vary which is why it is important to practice this way of parking as much as possible. Parallel parking may seem difficult but with enough practice, you may eventually find it easy.

8. Be Observant

When out driving (whether as the driver or the passenger), practice observing the other vehicles and pedestrians on the roadways. By practicing being observant you will become a better driver, and more aware of everyone else you are sharing the road with.

Be Observant
Drive The Test Route

9. Drive The Test Route

The test route changes often; however, experienced driving professionals can take you on a route that will likely be similar to what you will encounter during your actual driving test. This practice will help you gain confidence in following directions given by the examiner.

By ensuring you are properly prepared for your driving exam, you will be more comfortable and confident which is key to success.

Prepare for the G1 Test by
practicing over your 300 Questions

Once you acquire the knowledge provided in
those tests, you are ready to pass the
test, the first time.